Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Monkey Helps Me Cope

While waiting for updates to the Homestar Runner website, I figured I might as well watch the cartoons on another website: Created by JKR (yeah, that's his name), this site has fun cartoons featuring Fred the Monkey (of course), Space Chicken (mostly known as S.C.), and Sceb (short for Space Chicken's Evil Brother), among others. I even watch the mailbags which has Sceb answering E-Mails from viewers (usually against his will). It resembles sbemails (Strong Bad Emails), but unlike Strong Bad, Sceb talks directly to the viewers instead of typing a response. And some of the cartoons feature music videos by and starring JKR revolving around video games. The most recent one is about E3 2010. But this site also has comics. Those are funny, too. Although the cartoons aren't updated on that site either, JKR does have a blog there that is updated as a way of letting us know he's still around. So, give a look-see for yourself. At least until Homestar Runner's website is updated. ...eventually.

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